Awesome Author Erin Bevan!

My life is filled with love and laughter thanks to the amazing people I get to hang out with. As well as being awesome, they’re creative, talented, generous, and fun! I thought you might like to meet some of the authors I know, so I’ve asked them to come and give us a behind-the-scenes look at what they’re passionate about. I have to warn you though – creativity is contagious! 

Today’s guest is Erin Bevan, author of The Ranch Hand, Text Me, Cupid’s Angels, and her brand new release, Wedding Day. Congratulations Erin!

Erin8 copyMeet Erin ~

Erin Bevan was born and raised in Southwest Arkansas. She spent her teenage years working for her aunt at the local gas station flipping burgers and making milkshakes dreaming of the day when something better would come her way.

Fast forward ten years later, she found herself stuck inside an apartment in South Korea while her daughter went to preschool and her husband went to work. Alone and unable to speak the local language she turned to books for a friend. After reading a few hundred in such a short time, she decided to try her hand at writing one.

That first one sucked, but by the fifth and sixth book, Erin started to get the hang of this writing thing. Getting the first contract in the mail was a dream come true. Now, with three babies at home, she squeezes in stories one word at a time, one sentence at a time, one day at a time. She’s a full time mom, a full time wife, with a little writer sprinkled in whenever she can get the chance.


perf5.000x8.000.inddWhen did you start writing? E: I started writing in 2011. My husband, my daughter and I moved to South Korea for my husband’s job. I found myself without most modern conveniences. No car, no friends, no family, not even a cellphone, and absolutely no one near me that even spoke English. I took up reading as a hobby then thought I would try my hand at writing.


Making the best of a difficult situation! What has been your favourite scene to write? E: Honestly? The love scene in Love Comes In The Mourning. (Blush!!) Love Comes In The Mourning will be my very first book to publish with an open door love scene. That book will be released late part of this year or early next year. Love Comes In The Mourning has also been my absolute favorite book to write as well.


It’s fun to stretch yourself as a writer – and try something new. ;D What has been the most exciting moment so far in your writing career? E: Probably the day I received my first contract!


And probably just as exciting with each new contract! What has surprised you the most about the process? E: Two things: First is how supportive other authors are of each other. I love, love, love the support and camaraderie among authors. Second thing is how nasty critiquer’s can be hiding behind the comfort of their computer screens.


Yes – the good and the bad! Any advice for someone who would like to write a novel? E: Grow a thick skin. A very thick one!


Cupids AngelsKnow that for every reader who doesn’t connect with your story, there are dozens who do! What’s your favourite quote? E: Not so much a quote, but I do have a favorite scripture.

Hebrews 13:2

“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”

Isn’t that chilling? I believe in angels, but to think that I’ve actually talked to one without knowing it…super cool!




I believe in guardian angels, too! 😀 If you had to pick a song to be your theme song what would it be? E: Christina Aguilera’s Fighter.

Love it! What would you pick as a superpower? E: I’m inventing my own super power, the mommy super power. I wish I could snap my fingers and be showered, dressed in full make up and hair as soon as I leave the gym. Oh, with a Starbucks in hand, too!

Oh, the time a mom would save – yes! What’s your favourite dessert? E: Umm… cookies, cake, candy bars, sugar, sugar, and more sugar. Sugar in almost in form… except cotton candy. That’s just nasty!


Wedding DayHaha – you had me at cookies! I’m so excited for you with the release of Wedding Day! E: Wedding Day is my newest latest and greatest release. Isn’t the cover beautiful?! It’s my favorite cover so far. Great job, Leah Kaye Suttle. You are fab! Wedding Day was one of my first full length novels to write. I started this project back in 2012! Eek! And it is now seeing the light of day. Even still, it’s one of my favorite stories that I have ever written, and I hope to soon write a sequel for Brody.

Being raised a southern girl, there is just something about sexy, tough cowboys that make a girl want to swoon occasionally. Dallas Day is no exception. He’s a tough, rough rider who decides to hang his hat on his Casanova ways for the woman of his dreams, but his road to her isn’t an easy one, of course! And you wouldn’t want to read the book if it were! I hope you love it!


Here’s what Wedding Day is all about:

Famous Bull Rider, Dallas Day, met Cassie Bailey briefly in high school, but her plain looks and quiet personality left no lasting impression on him. Cassie, however, couldn’t say the same about Dallas.

Their paths cross again ten years later when Dallas is home recovering from an injury, and Cassie is the only veterinarian who volunteers her services at the home town rodeo. She’s jump-starting her new practice, and every eligible man within a ten-mile radius is trying to land a date with the attractive vet.

Dallas’ older brother bets him that, even with all his charm and fame, Dallas can’t land a date with the reserved lady vet. Not one to turn down a challenge, Dallas makes it his mission to win a date with Cassie. After meeting her, he realizes they’ve met before, but he didn’t remember her being so pretty. His persistence pays off, but when Cassie finds out about the bet, their new love is put to the test.

Determined to win her back, he meets his biggest challenge yet: saving her life when a casual admirer turns into a deadly stalker.

Wedding Day Buy link

Sounds so exciting!! Erin loves to connect with readers:

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Erin, thanks so much for stopping by today! Good luck with your new book – I hope for lots of sales and happy reviews. I saw the cover and wow – it is beautiful  as are all your covers!! Happy reading everyone 😀


  1. Ping from Erin Bevan:

    Thank you so much for having me, Linda! This post was very fun.