Day 3 – Q & A

lit number threeIt’s Day 3 of the Perfectly Reasonable countdown! I thought I’d share the 3 most frequent questions I’m asked.




How do you come up with the ideas for your stories?

They pop into my head and I think, “Oh, that’s funny.” And then I write them down. I don’t consult with anyone while I’m writing unless it’s to do research on how a character would say something or (how a male would) react in a certain situation. I don’t like to run my ideas by anyone because they never sound as good when I say them out loud. 🙂


How do you write the sex scenes?

One word at a time . . .


When will the print copies of Perfectly Reasonable be available?

That, I don’t know, since it’s up to Debby Gilbert at Soul Mate Publishing. I’ve asked for print copies, but likely it will be sometime in 2016.


To celebrate Day 2 tomorrow, you’ll get a sneak peek at the You’Two’be Perfectly Reasonable Video Trailer! Have a great day!