Countdown Day 8!

billiard ball with an eight

It’s Day 8 of the Perfectly Planned Countdown!

Helloooo everyone, Chloe here! Did you know that your supposed to be starting your retirement plan by age 30? Yup, that’s what I hear! Those financial gurus are pretty emphatic about it. Just in case you don’t have time to keep up with the big bean counters at Money Market News, I thought I’d share 8 pieces of financial advice! (But really don’t take my word for it, ask your accountant 😀


stacks of penniesDon’t spend what you don’t have.

picture of a clock and coinsApply for a credit card once you start earning money (use it to pay for food and utilities) to start building your credit rating. BUT. . .

Pay off your credit card bill every month – the interest is a killer (goes for pretty much any bill and your taxes too!) If you’re carrying a balance on your credit card or only paying the minimum, cut the card up so you can’t use it until you pay it off.

Life expectancy in Canada is 83.6 years for women and 79.3 years for men. Since most Canadians retire in their 60s, you can anticipate 15-20 years of retirement living.

Cutting the amount of tax you pay on your investments can help them grow and compound more rapidly.

Put away 10-30% of every paycheque into savings. Helps for rainy days and retirement.

Don’t borrow to invest. If things go south, you lose twice over.

“A bull market is a great time to lose money.” Be conservative when the market is active and aggressive when the market is down. Volatile markets lead to cautious investors with almost half looking to safer investments. I have no idea what this means, but it sounded important 😀


And here’s a bonus piece of advice: Buy things on sale! AND isn’t that lucky? I just found out that Perfectly Honest will be on sale on for 99 cents starting today for one week!! Woohoo! Perfectly timed if I do say so myself 😀

There you have it – financial advice to help your pennies grow. Thanks for stopping by! Drop by tomorrow – I’ll be sharing seven of my favourite sayings 😀  Only 5 days left to enter the Rafflecopter draw for some fabulous prizes. There are some Christmas Cards by Karen and they are very cute – get a head start on sending out your Christmas cheer!