Catching up with Friends

med-school-photoutoronto-logoI went to my medical school reunion this past weekend. What a blast!! I was a bit worried I wouldn’t remember anyone’s name, but the memories came flooding back (and we had name tags with our grad picture on it). There was no shame in checking out the name tag!!



It was great to catch up and hear about everyone’s family. Hard to believe how many couples had 3 or 4 children – that surprised me! Some kids followed in their parents’ medical footsteps but a lot didn’t. They’re finding their own way and making their own fun!


med-school-reunionWay back then (:D) we were organized into clinical skills groups, and for the first two years we did all of our in-hospital sessions with the same group of students. Of course, I had the BEST clinical skills group. And they haven’t changed one bit. Still lookin’ stylish and still a ton of fun!


This was the first reunion our class – well Drue Mandell and Sandra Landolt – organized (apparently we hold the record, dubious as it is). Our classmates came from all over – Toronto (of course), Kitchener, Texas, California, Wisconsin, Vancouver, Boston, and Kingston! Hopefully it will spur another reunion – sooner!