Perfectly Unpredictable Crossword

It’s the Perfectly Together countdown. How well do you know the Perfectly Series?

Perfectly Unpredictable is Book 4 in the Perfectly Series.

Kalia Beck always dreamed of starting a family, living in a house with a white picket fence, and finding her soul mate. Just not in that order. Kalia is coping with an unplanned pregnancy when she learns the father has passed away. She soon finds out that single parenthood isn’t easy, especially when the only thing that soothes the baby is the guitar-playing of a reluctant and reclusive next-door neighbor.

Mack Challen, lead guitarist in a rock and roll band, knows it takes a village to raise a child. He just doesn’t think there’s a village big enough to help “gay momma” and her screaming baby.

Kalia and Mack aren’t looking for love and aren’t ready for each other, but when the future unfolds, it’s … Perfectly Unpredictable.

How well do you know Perfectly Unpredictable? Have fun with the crossword puzzle. Join me tomorrow for a special Perfectly Christmas treat!