Tuesday Treat

It’s a Tuesday Treat ~ Welcome New York Times Bestselling author Denise Swanson with her small-town contemporary romance, Lucky Girl Hits the Jackpot! It’s third book in her Change of Heart series.

The Change of Heart series — small town friends who all need a fresh start and a change of outlook in order to find their forever loves.
Lucky Girl Hits the Jackpot (Book 3, Change of Heart Series)
The last place Delaney Smallwood ever expects to find herself is at the Illinois State Lottery office, holding a check with more zeros than she’s ever seen before. The last person cynical attorney Spencer DeWitt ever expects to be attracted to is a quixotic millionaire schoolteacher. The last thing either wants is a relationship. Can kisses hotter than a Midwest July thrust two such opposite people into a forever kind of love?

Denise Swanson will be giving away a signed copy of Lucky Girl Hits the Jackpot to a reader in the United States. Leave a comment (click on the Read More) for a chance to win. Good Luck! And you can hop over to Denise’s Facebook page to win a signed copy of Perfectly Honest!