#HappyHolidays with Robin Michaela


Looking for a holiday romance for your favourite romance reader? Here’s a fun small-town Christmas story by Robin Michaela! I’m thrilled to share Robin’s new release. It looks like a fun holiday romance! #HappyHolidays

Thanks so much for hosting me on your blog today, Linda!

The Santa Bargain is my new contemporary romance novel. It’s a holiday romance about a relationship-phobic single mom and the equally commitment-shy guy who agrees to be Santa in their small town’s holiday parade. In order to get Joe to agree, though, Maria has to strike a bargain that promises to heat up the holidays.

The Santa Bargain is on sale for $0.99 on Amazon through 12/31/17 or read it for free on Kindle Unlimited. It available HERE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077996MP2

Thanks for checking it out. Have a merry and bright holiday season!



About The Santa Bargain ~ Santa’s gifts can be both nice…and naughty.

Coffeehouse entrepreneur, Maria Thompson, has sworn off men ever since her young son’s father walked out of their lives. But, when she literally runs into sexy carpenter, Joe Sinclair, she wonders if it’s time to rethink her plan.

Joe Sinclair doesn’t need or want romance or a family. He was raised in the foster care system and learned long ago not to get attached to anyone. Now, if he could just remember that, he could put the sensual owner of Copper River, Colorado’s new coffee shop out of his mind.

After Maria and Joe volunteer to work together on the town’s first Christmas festival, their attraction lights up brighter than a new a string of holiday lights. When Santa comes to town, will they finally find everything they’ve ever wished for under the tree?


Enjoy an excerpt:

Wanting to lighten the mood, he cleared his throat. “I bet Zach is looking forward to Santa’s visit. The holiday is coming up fast.”

He watched a soft smile spread across Maria’s face. “Yes, he is. He’s at that perfect age for Santa – too old to be afraid, but still young enough to believe in the magic of the season.”

She must be working some magic of her own on him because Joe felt the warmth of her smile all the way to his toes. He grinned, remembering his own excitement as he awaited Santa’s visit when he was Zach’s age. “Has he told St. Nick what he wants for Christmas yet?”

“I’ve been waiting until the festival to take him to see Santa because the big guy is supposed to show up there. That is, if I can ever find someone to actually be Santa.” Maria clamped her mouth shut.

He saw a glint come into her eyes as she tilted her head to one side, then squinted at him like she was appraising a prize show horse. “Hmm.”

Joe really didn’t like the way she’d started looking at him. He could practically see the image in her mind – and, in it, he was all decked out in a red suit. He put his mug down on the counter so fast it made a clinking noise as he held up his hands. “Oh no, don’t get any ideas, Maria. I’m the last guy who should be Santa.”

“Why, Joe, I think you’d make a perfect St. Nick.”

He’d swear her voice had dropped by at least an octave. The new throaty tone made his groin twitch.

She picked up her spoon and slowly slid it between her lips. He watched her tongue sweep out to lick a droplet of coffee from it, and he fought to keep from groaning. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t pull his gaze from her mouth.

“You know, I’ve been thinking…if you were Santa, I could be your elf,” she continued in her sultry voice. “Who knows? You might be very happy with what you find under your Christmas tree this year.”

He suppressed a smile as he thought about that. How she could make being a festival Santa sound enticing was beyond him, but she was managing. Joe was very nearly tempted to tell her he would do it, but he held back and waited to see if she’d sweeten the deal.


Buy link: On sale for $0.99 at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077996MP2.


Meet Robin ~ Robin Michaela has been reading romances since her teen years, when she first snuck her aunt’s copy of The Flame and the Flower, by Kathleen Woodiwiss.

She’s married to her own Handsome Prince (a military airman) and has lived everywhere from the sunny shores of Florida to the wild crags of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. By day, she’s a dental hygienist and by night, Robin can be found eating chocolate, training for her next half marathon, and crafting her next novel (although not necessarily in that order).

Robin loves to hear from readers. Please visit her website (www.robinmichaela.com). You can also follow her on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/RobinMichaelaRomances) or Twitter   (https://twitter.com/robinsromances).



  1. Ping from Robin Michaela:

    Thanks for hosting me today, Linda – happy holidays!