Day 1 of the 10-day Countdown!

It’s day 1 of the 10-day Countdown!! Meet Tacos – and the story behind choosing an old English sheepdog. 

Don’t Forget the Dog is Book 2 of the Dr. Brogan Corkie Matchmaking Doctor series ~ matchmaking at its funniest! May 4 is the big day. Woohoo!!


The premise of the Dr. Brogan Corkie Matchmaking Doctor series is that Brogan, doctor-turned-chef, cooks up romance and fun when two people are thrown together after she’s offered to help them out. When I plotted Don’t Forget the Dog, I thought it would be fun to have Brogan look after a pet instead of a human. The pet’s human, Blaine McKinnon, became the sexy, talented hero of the romance. I needed a reason why Brogan had to get involved, so I came up with the idea to make the dog high maintenance. Old English sheepdogs have long fur that sheds a lot, and they need to be brushed every day. Plus they tend to drool – which I thought made the perfect excuse for Brogan to look after Tacos at his own home instead of taking him into hers. Then I needed the hero to have a reason why he couldn’t look after his dog temporarily – that is, why Brogan had to get involved. I decided to make the hero a chef and owner of a restaurant. He knew he was going to be busy during the hectic week around Valentine’s Day and asks Brogan to help out with Tacos. (It’s actually not that straightforward and how Brogan ends up taking care of Tacos is one of my favourite scenes in the story.) That’s how Chef Blaine McKinnon and his adorable sheepdog, Tacos, became the stars of the romance. I can’t wait to share their story with you tomorrow!

Here’s a fun dog fact:

Cerberus, the name of the three-headed guard dog of the underworld, comes from the Greek word, Kerberos. Kerberos means “spotted.” Hades, guardian of the dead, literally named his pet dog Spot. Haha


A  bit about Don’t Forget the Dog ~

Dr. Brogan Corkie is happily semi-retired from medicine and now has time for other hobbies. Her passion for food is second only to her skill at matchmaking!

Blaine McKinnon, owner and executive chef of an upscale restaurant in Mapleton, has an adorable Old English sheepdog named Tacos. Brogan is roped into dog-sitting Tacos at Blaine’s house. The upside is the spectacular kitchen at her disposal.

Dr. Sabrina Langfield, a newly minted doctor, is in a bind when her mom, Rue, falls and fractures her wrist. Brogan offers to help and does double-duty looking after Tacos and Rue.

Blaine and Sabrina were high school sweethearts but parted ways when Blaine pushed Sabrina to pursue a career. Sabrina hasn’t seen him since, but Rue is a huge fan and frequents his restaurant. Rue’s biggest regret is her part in Sabrina and Blaine’s break-up, and with Brogan’s help, she’s determined to get them back together. It might not be that easy – Sabrina is wary of Tacos and, more pressing, she’s decided to move a four-hour flight away to do five more years of training in emergency medicine.

Will meddlesome matchmaking, Blaine’s persuasiveness, and – don’t forget the dog – Tacos’ sweet nature be enough to convince Sabrina to stay?


Don’t Forget the Dog is up for pre-order. Only 99c on for the e-book! Release day for the e-book is tomorrow!!