Decisions, decisions – choosing a cover!

I’d love your opinion! I’ve written a romantic comedy, and I can’t decide which cover to use. I have 4 options, and I definitely have my favorite but I’m wondering if my fav is your fav. The story is about a woman (a doctor) who finds a box of hockey memorabilia hidden in the studs of her house when she is renovating. She realizes that the items are clues and she enlists the help of a local professional hockey player to help her unravel the mystery. This is the first book of a new series and I hope to release it this month – if I can ever decide on a cover!


Here’s the blurb for Love and the Hidden Hockey Clues ~ 

When she was younger, Dr. Abigail Clark dreamed of playing professional hockey, but the world wasn’t ready for a female player. That stung. She skated as far away from hockey as possible – until she lands a job in the emergency department of a hockey-crazy town and buys the house of the late beloved Zamboni driver. A tin box is discovered during the renovation of her new home, and Abigail brushes it off as a time capsule left by the previous owner – that is until someone tries to steal it. Turns out, the odd collection is more than just sentimental hockey memorabilia.

Abigail inadvertently embroils Del Braebury, captain of the local pro hockey team, into helping her sort it out. Her history with hockey players is rocky at best, but he comes in handy when she needs to access parts of the rink that are off limits. Del is happy to be tangled up in the clues of the hidden hockey loot. In the process of solving the mystery, he hopes to win Abigail’s heart! 

Where it will all lead? One thing is certain – they’ll find it in the last place they look! 

Here are the choices:

Whimsical Colour



Blue Beauty

Pretty in Pink

Cool Magnifying Glass

Eye-catching Black and White













Let me know which one you prefer – just leave a comment. Thanks! I really appreciate the help! 





  1. Ping from Karen:

    I like them all. I think my fav is Eye catching black and white.
    I don’t think you can go wrong with any of the choices.

    Seems like awhile since the last book. I am looking forward to the new series

  2. Ping from George Eastwood:

    Cool Magnifying Glass is the one I would reach for. It’s crisp, clean, direct – makes me want to dive right in, discover the clues, and start putting the pieces of the puzzle together. The partial hearts around the perimeter are promising, but a reminder that some effort is required to see them complete. Plus, it’s got a magnifying glass!