Spring for Love Archive

Spring for Love – Meet Rebecca E. Neely!

Posted March 29, 2015 By Linda

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Welcome to the Sunday Spring for Love blog hop! It’s the last day and I thought I’d share my favourite quips from kids in church. Don’t you just love the way their minds work? 

Read the remainder of this entry »

Spring for Love – Meet Madelyn Hill!

Posted March 28, 2015 By Linda

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Welcome to the Saturday Spring for Love blog hop! I thought I’d share some of my favourite spring table settings! Flowers, bright colours, friends at the table – what’s not to love about spring!!

pink table setting



yellow and blue table





Easter table




Tomorrow I’ll be sharing funny quips of kids in church – drop by! Visit me today at RB Austin’s blog. Click HERE!

Welcome Madelyn Hill, author of Wolf’s Castle!

Website Madelyn Hill's photoMeet Madelyn ~ Madelyn Hill has always loved the written word. From the time she could read and all through her school years, she’d sneak books into her textbooks during school. And she devoured books daily. At the age of 10 she proclaimed she wanted to be a writer. After being a “closet” writer for several years, she sent her manuscripts out there and is now published with Soul Mate Publishing. And she couldn’t be happier! A resident of Western New York, she moved from one Rochester to another Rochester to be with the love of her life. They keep busy with their 3 children and enjoy cooking, watching their children’s sporting events, and going to the movies.

Madelyn, what do you love about spring?  After a long winter in the north east, I love how Spring brings warmth and flowers.

Tell us about your historical romance, Wolf’s Castle.

cover for Wolf's CastleCan he forget the past and embrace the future?

He’s the beast of Lomarcan Castle. Tortured, angry, and bound and determined not to allow Vivian Stuart to invade his lair. Lord Galen Maclean refuses to be endeared to the lovely woman who has landed on his island looking to study alchemy. The island possesses secrets, secrets too horrid to share with the gentle woman. However, her beguiling nature brings light to the darkness of the castle and edges into his heart.

Can she tame the beast within him to gain his love?

She was stranded on a remote island, her father dead and dishonored by her betrothed. Still, the lovely Vivian Stuart wears her heart on her sleeve and strives to redeem Lord Maclean. She knows his heart is good and the castle can be filled with love. Through science she learns more about the troubled lord and slowly but surely, the torture lord’s icy heart begins to thaw as Vivian shares the magical healing power of love.

I love that! Science and magic combined! Here’s the buy link for Wolf’s Castle.

Thank so much for stopping by, Madelyn! If you’d like to connect with Madelyn, here’s how:

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Spring for Love – Meet Dawn Ireland!

Posted March 27, 2015 By Linda

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Welcome to the Friday Spring for Love blog hop! Spring always reminds me of babies – baby lambs, baby bunnies and baby humans! So today I thought I’d share some helpful tips about small fry I recently learned at a conference!

Talking ~ Communication is about language (relating thoughts, ideas and needs), speech (making the sounds) and the social interaction.

Ever heard: “Wait until they turn 3/start school. He’ll grow out of it/boys develop later. Siblings talk for her. She’s shy/lazy. I didn’t talk until I was 5.”

Noooooo, it isn’t so.

Simplified milestones:

1 year – 1 step simple directions, single words (1-50words)

2 years old – 2 step directions, simple questions, two word phrases (50-100 words)

3 years old – longer directions, more complex questions, 3-5 word phrases (500-2000 words)

4 years old – multi-step, 5-8 word sentences, no need to change/simplify language (2000+ words)

The earlier young children are identified as being delayed, the better the chance of improving speech and language skills. They can focus on pre-verbal skills (gestures) long before actual language. Important since delays in language are related to: learning disabilities, reading and writing difficulties, school drop-out and criminal activity.

Caregivers are the primary language model for kids! Here’s what you can do to help kids learn:

mom and babyBe face to face with your child – shows you’re interested, lets them see your lips, develops eye contact.

Wait – give instructions and give kids a chance to respond; give them time to make sense of a gesture.

Follow their lead – let the child choose the game, conversation and join in as they play!

Repeat, repeat, repeat – correct baby talk, use lots of different words, say what they would say/see if they could talk as they play.

Add and expand – if they are using gestures, you can add one word; if they are using one-word phrases, you use two-word phrases.

different languages


Babies easily learn 2-3 languages – parents should speak in their native tongue because broken English is not natural to learn.

Click HERE for more great info!


Walking ~ Get babies moving!

To walk, babies must master mechanics, gravity and sensory-motor (posture, joints, environment)


  1. reflexes – 1st expressions of gross motor function (rooting, sucking)
  2. asymmetry – babies have to figure out the midline – hands together, head to center
  3. Extend against gravity from the crunch time of a full term baby squished in a uterus
  4. master stability – must learn to control body (so avoid super saucer/jolly jumper)
  5. turn on pelvis – weight shifting, elongate trunk onto side of shift
  6. walk at 12-24 months

baby crawling


Cognition for curiosity is there, but babies need opportunities to learn through active exploration of the environment – so get them on the floor (no super saucers, jolly jumpers)!


Don’t carry them up and down stairs – supervise them and let them add new skills.

Play with them. Let them learn by doing – building, crawling.

Help them maintain good posture – it can affect their line of sight and their vision.

baby on belly


Back to sleep. Prone to play. (tummy time) –helps prevent a flat head too!






I love this video – Physical literacy – starts when they’re young!


Tomorrow I’ll be sharing some spring ideas for table settings so drop by! Today I’m over at Rebecca E. Neely’s blog – click HERE to visit!


Welcome Dawn Ireland, author of The Perfect Duke!

Dawn IrelandMeet Dawn ~  “Once Upon a Time” are four of Dawn’s favourite words. After all, they start stories that contains a touch of magic and a large dose of romance. Her tales are set in England or Scotland during the late 1700’s, where her characters discover love is never easy, but always worthwhile. After all, isn’t love worth breaking the rules?

Dawn, what do you love about spring? As a gardener, the tender flower shoots popping through the rain-moistened soil remind me that I should be open to new beginnings. This rebirth is true magic. It amazes me each year that such beauty and life can come from Winter’s stark landscape.

Tell us about your historical romance The Perfect Duke.

The Perfect Duke cover

Known as The Marble Duke amongst the Ton, Garret Weston, the Duke of Kendal sets himself apart from his peers. Nothing will hinder his guilt-driven attempt to become a perfect duke. Nothing that is, save the alluring and imaginative betrothed he’d thought dead. His intended believes-of all things-that she is a Vicar’s daughter. The “perfect” duke needs a “perfect” duchess, but how was he to discern her suitability? Employing her as a governess to his niece seemed like an ideal solution. But whose “suitability” is being tested? His betrothed refuses to see he is beyond redemption. And most grievous of all, she stirs his blood, making him forget what’s important.

Cara believes fairy tales really can come true, until she meets the unrelenting and arrogant Duke of Kendal. He looks like a Prince, but acts like a Beast. Why must he challenge her at every turn? Her greatest peril is her attraction to the vulnerable, seductive man behind the title. A match between them would be impossible. But can she show him, without losing her heart that “perfect” is in the eye of the beholder?

Sounds like a great read with a lot of sparks! Here’s the buy link: The Perfect Duke

Thanks so much for stopping by Dawn! If you’d like to connect with Dawn, here’s where you can find her:

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