Where in the World is Perfectly Honest?

Perfectly Honest, Perfectly Reasonable and Perfectly Planned – the perfect beach read – in Grand Cayman Island!

photo (7)

Perfectly Honest around the world – here it is in England with my Mom, and my sister, Karen!

Book enjoyed around the world

In Bath, England

Mom and London Bridge

Leisurely read at the London Bridge

Mom in England

Perfectly Honest is a fun read anywhere

Karen with PH Mom Heathrow copy

It’s a recommended read at Heathrow airport!

Karen reading on the bus

On the bus, on a plane, in a car, or on a train 😀

In my quest to have Perfectly Honest read worldwide – here it is in Scotland with Joan Peterson!! 😀

Joan with Perfectly Honest in Scotland


Perfectly Honest in the 1000 Islands – it’s the perfect cottage read! Relaxing with Liesa Cross 😀

PH with Liesa Cross photo PH with Liesa at cottage2


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