6th Day: Tablescapes and Rebecca E. Neely

Karen card Christmas 23 elves on tree♪♫♪ On the sixth day of Christmas I’m going share with you:

pimp for your table,

fine first course food,

four frugal gifts,

cream soda punch,

something to do, 

and cran-nut squares that’re gluten-free. ♪♫♪


blue and red table copy

I love setting tables. I set my own – usually 2-3 different ones throughout the Christmas season when we entertain and different ones for the 24th and 25th. As a gift for a friend, I put together a table setting and my kids joked that I ran out of tables at our house before I ran out of ideas!

I try to buy the fabric when it’s on sale and have made different coloured tablecloths and have made a variety of napkins to go with them. I’ve collected sets of coloured chargers (the big plates that go under the dinner plate) and mix and match. Sometimes it’s whimsical and colourful and sometimes a little more formal with cream and gold. I’ll go outside and collect branches or pine cones, use Christmas decorations or dollar store finds. Sitting down to share

picture table purple copya meal with family and friends is the most important part, no matter what the table looks like, but for me, putting together a pretty table is creative and relaxing!



Laugh every day. Love every minute. Linda



Today my guest author is Rebecca E. Neely – Welcome! Rebecca just released her novel A Mighty Good Man. It’s a fast paced, suspenseful story with sexy, gritty characters! Congratulations Rebecca on a great story!

A Mighty Good Man by Rebecca E. Neely

Rebecca Neely  A Might Good Man  Book Cover

3 days. 2 people. 1 story.

‘Hank’ Jerry, a down and out writer, and Jack Darcy, a former gang leader, team up to write his story for mutual gain and end up falling for each other.

It’s not long before their romance is as hot as the copy she’s writing, but they’ve both got something to hide that could blow up in their faces, and with time running out and gang enforcers closing in, will the trust they’ve forged survive the ultimate test?

Pick up your copy today from Amazon.

12 Days of Christmas Blog Hop Button with Frame

As part of The 12 Days of Christmas celebration, Rebecca donated a $10 Amazon GC to the prize list. Click HERE for this and many more random drawings. To follow the celebration, find a new recipe, pick up a holiday decorating or shopping tip, click HERE.

About the Author

Rebecca E. Neely was born and raised in a small town in western Pennsylvania. Her father, an English teacher and a writer, instilled in her a love of words, and literature, especially short stories, at a young age. Her mother, a voracious reader, gave her Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild as a Christmas gift when she was nine, and Rebecca’s been hooked on reading stories of all stripes ever since.

Rebecca’s family also owned and managed a restaurant until she was about sixteen, and she grew up in the business, working, cooking, and eating. Rebecca enjoys finding, and reading new authors via her Kindle. Live music inspires her, as do the characters she’s blessed to have in her life, including her daughter, her boyfriend, and her mother. She loves drawing, crafting, walking, and camping. She also enjoys traveling, going to music festivals, and exploring cities she’s never been to before with her daughter.

In a former life, she earned a B.S. in Accounting, and worked in that field for about a decade. Since 2001, Rebecca has freelanced, writing a wide variety of copy for local magazines, and businesses all over the country. She is a member of Savvy Authors, and a PRO member of Romance Writers of America.

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