New Release for Liza O’Connor
I’m delighted to celebrate with author Liza O’Connor on the release of her latest novel, a historical suspense, Six Sisters of Shame.
Six Sisters of Shame by Liza O’Connor
In his second marriage, a marriage of true love, Douglas Marsh has acquired six beautiful, identical daughters, who have made a pact never to marry. All are a challenge to the strict mores and interests that young ladies of Victorian England should have, but all are uniquely wonderful. He strives to match his new daughters to men who can appreciate each girl’s talents and interests. Only, one of his daughters wishes to choose for herself, and her choice sets off repercussions that could destroy them all.
Buy link: Amazon
About the Author ~
Liza O’Connor lives in Denville, NJ with her dog Jess. They hike in fabulous woods every day, rain or shine, sleet or snow. Having an adventurous nature, she learned to fly small Cessnas in NJ, hang-glide in New Zealand, kayak in Pennsylvania, ski in New York, scuba dive with great white sharks in Australia, dig up dinosaur bones in Montana, sky dive in Indiana, and raft a class four river in Tasmania. She’s an avid gardener, amateur photographer, and dabbler in watercolors and graphic arts. Yet through her entire life, her first love has and always will be writing novels.
Liza is a prolific writer and, with books in various genres, has something for everyone. For a full listing, click HERE
Liza loves to connect with readers~
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Congratulations Liza!! I wish you many sales and happy readers!
Thursday, May 18th 2017 at 4:49 pm |
Thanks for having me over