Day 7 ~ Meet Dr. Melissa Sinclair!
It’s Day 7 of the 10-day Countdown! Meet Dr. Melissa Sinclair from Time for the Doctor. Release day is November 27 and until then it’s only 99cents!
Hi Everyone! I’m Melissa Sinclair. I’m as excited as you to visit Copper Mills. If you come for a visit, we could explore this beautiful corner of Arizona together. I’ve just arrived from Denver, and I’ve brought my son, Chayton. He’s four years old and curious! We’re both keen to visit the Painted Mesa and learn more about the Hopi tribe who once called it home. I adopted Chayton two years ago and was told that he had Hopi heritage, so it made it easier to accept the offer of a locum at Copper Mills General. I expect to be here for a few months through the summer and work at the internal medicine clinics. Apparently the general internist who usually runs the clinics is taking a three-month vacation. Lucky him! Oh well, I’ll balance work with spending time with Chayton – the best of both worlds since I love being a mom as much as I love being a doctor. Hope to see you soon!
Visit Copper Mills, Arizona – a small town with a heart as big as the wide-open spaces and a history of making dreams come true.
Dr. Tash Bannon, the only internist at Copper Mills General Hospital, is a workaholic. After a couple of patient complaints, the board of directors realizes Tash needs a break and “suggests” he take a three-month vacation.
Dr. Melissa Sinclair is a single mom, and her adopted son comes first in her life. She’s used to the hustle of a big city hospital but takes the job to cover for Tash hoping to expose her son to his Hopi ancestry during their time in Copper Mills.
Tash resents having to take time off – and has an even harder time staying away now that Melissa is around. Now he just has to decide which is more important: his job or Melissa?
Make time for the doctor…especially if she’s the love of your life.
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