Day 2 of the 10-day Countdown!
It’s day 2 of the 10-day Countdown!! I’m sharing some of the inspiration behind Don’t Mess with Christmas. It’s Book 4 of the Dr. Brogan Corkie Matchmaking Doctor series ~ a delightfully funny medical romance! Come escape with me! November 2 is the big release day. Woohoo!!
Last summer, I toured some of the farms in my area. It was a day called Open Farms organized by local farmers. They opened their doors and gave a glimpse into what running a farm entails. One farm, Sun Harvest Greenhouses, grows hydroponic tomatoes and cucumbers. That gave me the idea for Parker’s job. Sun Harvest also has a small boutique shop attached to their greenhouse where they sell their vegetables, other plants, and local artists’ wares. I used that idea and added a space to Parker’s greenhouse that Parker transforms into a Christmas Shoppe.
In Don’t Mess with Christmas, the hero, Julian Murphy, has a stunning house – with plenty of natural light streaming in through big windows, a designated artist’s studio, an awesome kitchen, and –wait for it – an indoor basketball court. I had the idea to include the basketball court because, a few years ago, one of the houses we wanted to buy had exactly that – a full-sized indoor basketball court. I loved it! When winters are so long, I thought it would be the coolest thing to be able to spend time inside in a gym! We didn’t end up buying that house, but the next best thing is to write about it, and live there vicariously through my hero.
Dr. Brogan Corkie is happily semi-retired from medicine and now has time for other hobbies. Her passion for food is second only to her skill at matchmaking!
Parker Roy grew up in the middle of four brothers and has lived with enough testosterone to last her a lifetime. She’s finally moved out and made a life of her own. Between putting the finishing touches on the set for Mapleton’s Christmas play, plowing snow, and transforming her hydroponic greenhouse into a Christmas wonderland, it’s ramping up to be a hectic season.
Dr. Julian Murphy, the only allergist in town, has his eye on the woman behind the set design of the holiday play. He’s volunteering backstage in the hope of getting to know her. There’s a bit of a snag when she’s referred to his clinic for a rash – doctors aren’t allowed to date their patients – but Dr. Brogan Corkie doesn’t see it as an insurmountable problem and steps in to give their romance a nudge. She’d better be right because, if not, it could seriously mess with Christmas.
The allergist or the rash– which itch does Parker want to scratch?
Don’t Mess with Christmas is available for pre-order. A bargooooon for $1.35! Release day for the e-book is November 2!
Stay tuned tomorrow for more Don’t Mess with Christmas fun!