Be there for them!
Sometimes it’s hard to know what to say or how to reach out to someone who’s going through a rough time. But don’t let that stop you! Keep in touch. Even if it’s something short it can make a huge difference.
Talking to people who have made it through to the other side of depression, one common thread they mention is how they had a lot of anger toward people they loved. No matter how hard they pushed people away with their anger, they appreciated that the people who loved them plowed through it and stayed by their side.
Depression often comes with feelings of guilt and shame. So send a message that’s positive. The aim is to boost morale, encourage positive self-talk, and maybe normalize what they are going through. Most importantly, let them know they’re loved.
Here are examples of quick messages you can send:
It takes courage to change direction. It’s a step toward where you need and want to be. Love ya.
Right now you’re in a valley, but you won’t stay there. You’ve got this. Love ya.
Pamper yourself. Have another cookie. Love ya.
Be kind to yourself. It’s been a rough day. Love ya.
One step at a time, love. Keep moving forward.
Counseling is tough. But it’s a small step forward. Love ya.
You’re strong and resilient. You can do this. Love ya.
It feels like you’re in a bit of a tumble right now, but you will find your feet and stick the landing. Love ya.
Don’t think of this as a set-back, it’s more of a plot twist. Love ya.
Forgive yourself. Find the positive. Look forward. Love ya.
Life is just what works. I love you.
Make somebody happy (mostly your mom) and go out for a walk. Love ya.
Life feels chaotic right now, but you’ll unscramble the jumble. Hang in there.