Book Signing Success
Hey Everyone – I wanted to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH to everyone who came out to show their support at my very first book signing event!!
How’d it go? you ask. I’d have to say very well. I talked to a lot of people, tried eight different ways of summarizing PERFECTLY HONEST, AND handed out more CPR key chains (the world’s a safer place).
It started at 11 a.m. and it was a little slow initially. But luckily I was at Chapters and there were a lot of books to read (Amy Poehler’s new book is very funny, Margaret Trudeau has done a LOT of stuff, and they’ve published the speech J. K. Rowling gave at the Harvard graduation – she started by saying she was reassured that she didn’t remember anything about her own graduation so it was unlikely anything she said would have a lasting effect!).
Anyhooo, after about half an hour, it got busier and was pretty steady. I sold some books, talked to friends I knew and strangers who dropped by. One woman was from Ottawa and another shared the same last name (no relation!).
Things I’d do again? I had a draw for a gift basket. That was a great way to talk to people and draw them over. When I’ve been to other book fairs, I always felt I had to buy the book when I talked to the author. Let me reassure you – you don’t! I appreciated when people stopped by whether they bought a book or not. And sometimes when I was talking to one person, another came up to take a look. (Decoy sales). I would also shift the time to noon- 2 pm or 1-3 pm. Give everyone a chance to remember it was happening! And lastly, I had a poster with a sneak peak at the covers of the other books in the series. That was great way to promote the books to come!
And the good news – I’ll get a chance to do it again! I was invited to have another book signing when PERFECTLY REASONABLE is released in the summer! So thank you very much to everyone who made it successful!! I appreciate it.