The Countdown Begins!

It’s the start of another Countdown!! I’m so excited to share the cover for Book 3 of the In the Game Hockey Romance series. Isn’t it gorgeous? August 24 is the big day and Beyond the Face-Off is already up for preorder! It’s a bargain at 99cents. Woohoo!



Beyond the Face-Off

Kelly Danali has a big personality. She runs a pharmacy by day and lights up the local theatre scene by night. There’s nothing she craves more than a spot in the limelight. Jake Ross is a homegrown hockey star. He’s been traded back to the Clarington Quakes and spends most of his time avoiding the press and hockey-crazed fans.


Kelly wants to curb an alarming trend of drug abuse in local teens, and Jake, with his athleticism and sex appeal, would be the perfect spokesperson. Except there’s one problem – there’s nothing he craves more than privacy and solitude. Kelly is irresistible, and Jake skates around the possibility of falling in love, but is she more attracted to hockey, fame, or him?

There’s more to love…Beyond the Face-Off.

Preorder it HERE