Who can resist hot firefighters?

I’m so excited to welcome multi-published and award-winning author, Nancy Lee Badger! She presents this full-length contemporary romance, With Every Spark. She has used memories of life as an EMT and volunteer firefighter in rural New Hampshire, to set a story filled with sights, sounds, beautiful landscapes, and a terrifying forest fire.


Thanks for hosting me, Linda. Growing up on Long Island, NY, then my many years of living in rural New Hampshire at the foot of the White Mountains, created a love of waterfalls. This helped give me the ideas for the entire series. This is a stand-alone story released September 2nd and part of my Opportunity Falls novels.


More about With Every Spark, Book #4, Opportunity Falls series

Josie Miller senses that fellow paramedic-firefighter, Pete Thayer, is hiding something behind his sketchy history. He has a reputation for one-night stands in the small town of Fairfield, New Hampshire. He doesn’t look at her that way, but Joe finds she is falling for him.

They respond to accident calls, medical emergencies, and fast-moving forest fires amid sparks of another kind. Outside influences come in to play, and Pete is accused of murder. After he professes his innocence, and their relationship ignites, her brothers intervene. A suicide note, a fight, stolen moments of love, and a desire to listen to their hearts, lead these two heroes toward a climax filled with tension, pain, bloodshed, and atonement.


Excerpt from With Every Spark 

Pete jumped out of the ambulance driver’s seat and slammed the door. He started hauling on his fire gear, as well.

“You’re scowling. What did dispatch say?”

“Nothing. The radio doesn’t work. The storm’s last bolt fried everything electrical. It’s toast.” He glared at her as he pulled on his helmet. “We will be, too, if we don’t find a safe way out of the fire. Are you familiar with this area at all? I usually hike and climb on the south side, near Falcon Ridge.”

Josie picked up the portable oxygen tank meant for patient care, not firefighting. She pulled the strap over one shoulder while fitting the mask over her face. Opening the valve, clean, clear oxygen flowed into her nose and mouth. It would keep the smoke at bay. For awhile. She pulled the mask back down in order to answer him.

“I played here with my brothers. Several trails end up at Birch Tree River, before flowing under Lennox Bridge, then passing to the other side of north Main Street. If we keep going downhill, we’ll meet up with the river.”

“We’ll find our trek slow-going in these heavy coats.”

“We need to conserve our strength,” she reminded him.

“Our strength won’t mean squat if we get caught in the fire. Let’s go. We’ll regroup with the others, later. Don’t leave anything personal in the ambulance.” He glanced back at the rig. “It won’t be here.”

At the thought of their ambulance, stabbing pain pierced Josie’s chest. The rig was their responsibility. Over two–hundred–thousand dollars worth of equipment will be swallowed up by flames. “There’s nothing we can do?”

“Not a thing. Let’s go,” he scowled. “I don’t plan to die today.”

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Because Nancy likes ANY reason to celebrate, her Halloween Sale has started!

Reg. $3.99, WITH EVERY SPARK ebook is now $.99 until HALLOWEEN (October 31st)


Author Bio

Nancy Lee Badger was born in Huntington, New York and has fond memories of growing up on Long Island. Her life changed when she attended college in New Hampshire. After meeting her husband at Plymouth State, and raising two handsome sons, Nancy moved to North Carolina where she writes full-time. Nancy is a member of Romance Writers of America, Heart of Carolina Romance Writers, Fantasy-Futuristic & Paranormal Romance Writers, Australian Romance Readers Association, and the Triangle Association of Freelancers.



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Thanks so much for stopping by, Nancy Lee! Your book sounds hot! 




  1. Ping from Nancy Lee Badger:

    Thanks for having me today. The colors of fall remind me of New Hampshire.

  2. Ping from Audrey Beegle:

    This story sounds like it has everything: Romance, adventure and mystery. A perfect read for these upcoming cooler days.